Monday, January 31, 2011

You know you're in the country when....... go to the toilet and there are half a dozen crickets in there! And I mean IN THE BOWL!!!! Won't they get a surprise! I hope they can swim. (And avoid missiles from above!)

So yes, today was the first day of the rest of my life. Not a very exciting one though, I must admit. I started by driving 100km, and discovered I had misjudged the time it old take to get there by about half an hour. Whoops. So I sat around for a while - ha, you thought I was late didn't you?! Then the excitement begins - orientation is filled with paperwork, computer work, more computer work, some computer work for good measure, and oh, did I mention computer work? And tomorrow will be just as thrilling. I don't really mind it, but it just makes for a long day.

Then I walked out into this wall of heat. I've forgotten just how hot it can get up here. Although, I don't find it unbearable, probably because it's dry, and I'm used to humidity. Luckily the ute has good air conditioning! It does not, however, fit under the carport in the nurse's quarters! I realised there may be a problem when I saw the height of the roof, so cautiously backed the tray under, then got out for a look......well, maybe if I took off the roofracks......but it's too bloody hot to be fiddling around with them. And besides, I'd have to put them back on again! So I just parked it in the driveway (out of the way) instead. I hope I'm allowed to.  I'm only here for one night, so if I get in trouble, I can just play the innocent visitor card and all will be well. :-)

Oh yes.......if you really want to know - Miss Honey did get on the float yesterday, although she did leave me a lovely gooey, slippery, smelly mess inside it as revenge. Who'd have horses, huh?!

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