Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tomorrow's the day!

Well, folks, tomorrow is the big day, the day where I leave my old life behind. I've been trying to put the final touches on the house, pack bags and boxes, sort out what I need to take with me, plus had numerous people invade to pick up their ebay purchases! (Why do they all think that everything they see at my house is for sale?) My stomach has been doing backflips a fair whack of it too. I also had to drop my husband and some mates off to his farewell - now how is it that HE manages to have a night out with mates and I don't even get a piddly little card from someone? YEAH, THANKS FRIENDS!!!!!! I'm sure you'll all miss me just soooo much. </sarcasm>

I guess it's not really surprising, I've always been a bit of a loner. I do make friends, but very few close friends, (except the four legged kind). I've never really been the type to be "in the club" so to speak. My friends went out to nightclubs - I went riding then home to a Star Trek video or a good book. (I promise I'm not a complete nerd, really!) I'm sure my parents will tell you I have always tended to do my own thing.......this worries me a bit though, with moving to a new place. I'm sure I will make friends, but will I really fit in? Only time will tell. If nothing else, the country life will provide an opportunity to spend time with my beautiful children, and for them to try out different things.

First things first though - the immediate problem is whether the horse will get on the float! She flatly refused on Wednesday, so I suspect it'll take some time to convince her that this white monster is not going to swallow her up, never to be seen again. I'm allowing plenty of time just in case........I'm sure Miss Honey will know that she just HAS to go in tomorrow and will refuse accordingly. If it was just floating practice, she'd go right in. It's Murphy's Law of course!

So here's hoping it all goes well. See you all in 400km - when I've finally begun my new life as a REAL NURSE!

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