Friday, March 25, 2011

One of them days.....

I often get asked how I deal with the death of a patient. In all honesty, I can't tell you. I just deal with it and move on, I don't do anything in particular. You do sometimes get staff asking if you're ok, but interestingly, recent research has shown that a formal debrief is not helpful, and I've never felt the need for one.

If I've been looking after the patient for a while, especially with lots of family involvement, I do allow myself to get teary. I'm still human after all! I'll even give the family a hug, and let them know by that simple action that I understand, and that I am there to support them through their grief. If necessary, I'll take 5 minutes to myself to process, then it's back to it. It's just part of the territory, and everyone reacts differently.

Having worked in aged care, death has not been a new thing to deal with in this new role. But days like today do test the resolve of anyone. To lose three in one day is rough - no other way to put it - following on from one on the last shift too. It's very emotionally draining. None were unexpected, but it doesn't make it any easier.

It also disturbs your whole plan for the shift. I don't mean this to be selfish or disrespectful, but even one death puts your whole day off, as you have tasks to do with the deceased, not to mention looking out for the family - and they may often spend a good deal of time coming and going to pay their respects. It makes time management difficult, and you often feel like you've been running around all shift with the weight of the world on your shoulders, and the physical tiredness adds to the emotional drain.

Another not so nice thing to have to deal with is bed block. You still have an occupied room that may be desperately needed by someone else. This hasn't happened in this country setting, but with the pressure on hospital beds these days, you can bet there are places who need that person to leave ASAP. Imagine being told you have to leave because someone else is coming in ..........ugh. Awful. I hope I never have to deliver THAT particular piece of news.

I do not regret my choice of career, but boy, there are some really tough days, that's for sure!

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